Friday, February 25, 2011

How The Back Pain Creeps Back Into My Life When I Least Expect It

Two years ago, out of nowhere, I came upon the worst stretch of back pain I'd ever had. It's back. Not as bad as back then - I can move, walk (with a cane), sleep. But the second-worst of my life, definitely.

It's at the bottom of my back completely, and it stops me from being able to get up when I'm seated or lying down, or even walk properly. And when the pain hits, it's sudden, and strong enough to will me directly to my knees - which I no longer do, because it's even more of a pain to get up from.

It's the reason why I haven't been posting for the last few days - my back can't handle my fucking chair. It wasn't just that I was content with finally averaging more than a post per day in a given month for the first time, I promise.

It's cost me a trip to Québec City with the Lindbergh Line, and has made my tolerance towards bankers dissipate. I think I'll eat red meat tonight, it'll give me the impression that I killed something, which might quench my desire to do just that.

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