Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hoodie Gate

It's been a month since the awful death of Trayvon Martin and his killer, George Zimmerman, is still free. And armed. And possibly racist. And probably retarded.

Here are 26 facts about the story. And tons of links for additional information about it.

It's a situation that's so fucked up that even Will Smith tweeted about it:

And today, New York State Senator Eric Adams sported a hoodie in support for his family and the cause:

The hoodie thing - or Million Hoodie March - has only garnered stronger support after douchebag ''newscaster'' Geraldo Rivera made a bunch of ridiculous tweets and comments on Fox & Friends.

I wear hoodies every day, so I can't say I'm ''making a statement'' by wearing my usual attire... but if I didn't, I would right now.

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